Starting With Professional Design
To start your custom kitchen often it is important to begin with a good set of ideas. These ideas can come from the internet or catalogs. Often beginners make errors in their designs that lead to unusable space or efficiency problems in their kitchens. Have you ever lived in a place where you cannot open the oven and the dishwasher at the same time? That is where professional designers can make the difference between a great custom kitchen and a regret.
How to Find a Good Professional Designer:
You may ask though, how do I know I am not going to get ripped off or the contractor/designer drag their feet? One of the most important steps to finding a good professional designer is going to the NKBA (The National Kitchen and Bath Association) or the the better business bureau. Another option is to go to the chamber of commerce. Lots of Chambers of commerce keep information on services and contractors. These two organizations are there to protect consumers from fraudulent and unprofessional individuals. Another place you may visit is online. People post complaints and kudos there and some websites even have rating systems where you can read comments by other consumers.
Another good place to look for individuals to help you create your perfect custom kitchen would be to go to a hardware place such as a Home Depot, Lowes, or other place that sells building materials. Often these organizations do business with many designers and contractors and their courteous staff may help make a suggestion. Remember to follow up on their suggestion with a call or trip to the better business bureau or chamber of commerce. Check online for what others have said about the designer’s work.
A third possible source for finding professional designers would be to go to professional design magazines. Often these individuals are looking for work and can create a master custom kitchen for you. If their work is good enough to be in a professional showcase magazine then they are doing something right. The downside to this is that these individuals usually ask for a pretty penny when designing a custom kitchen.
Lastly, but not least, is a parade of homes. During the year contractors like to showcase their work in open houses that the public is invited to. Many good ideas for contractors may come to mind when looking at their custom kitchen designs. You could even take notes on what you like at each home and what you don’t like so when you approach a designer he or she will be able to create your master custom kitchen.